CIPRA representatives:

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  • How intact ecosystems improve our quality of life


    Nature provides us with enormous benefits. The AlpES project draws on the concept of ecosystem services in order to record these in the Alpine regions and increase their appreciation.

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  • Poisoned playgrounds


    A study proves the presence of pesticides on children's playgrounds in South Tyrol. The provincial government has taken up a defensive posture.

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  • Underestimated soil


    We cannot breathe it, we cannot drink it, and yet it forms the very basis of our lives: soil feeds us, is home to us, protects us. Why has its importance hardly been recognised until today?

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  • Salvation for the bees?


    The European Commission is discussing the use of neonicotinoids. The damage caused by these insecticides also strongly affects bees.

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  • Rivers connect people

    For geographical and

    The partners of the Spare Project are as diverse as they are at home in different Alpine countries, comprising as they do a university, two research agencies, two official bodies, a regional office, and two environmental organisations. Together they demonstrate how river management can be improved above and beyond administrative, cultural and technical boundaries.

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  • The Alpine Rhine fête


    CIPRA Liechtenstein. Taming Europe’s biggest torrent began some two hundred years ago. Today, the Alpine Rhine is a canal, its course lined for the most part by intensively used farmland and residual pockets of wetland forest.

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  • Pesticides: a tug of war


    Pesticides damage the environment, threaten useful species like bees, pollute the water in the Alps, while some are suspected of causing cancer. They nevertheless appear to be indispensable in conventional agriculture.

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  • “A picture speaks a thousand words” - SPARE Project communicating through multimedia


    With a brand new collection of infographics and photo books the SPARE Project partners aim at visually communicating the current river management processes in each of the project’s five Pilot Case Study sites.

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  • Point of view: Biodiversity Conservation: less talk, more action


    May 22nd marks the International Day for Biological Diversity, an initiative brought into life by the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2000. Martha Dunbar, Project Manager for Biodiversity and Landscape, fears that now in 2017 we are still treading water.

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  • Paddling for the “blue heart” of Europe


    The end of March saw the start of the Balkan Rivers Tour in Slovenia, the largest water protection action in Europe. The aim is to protect its last unspoilt rivers.

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