CIPRA representatives:

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cc.alps: CIPRA's demands for agriculture
by zopemaster published Aug 04, 2011 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under:
The agricultural sector is directly affected by climate change impacts but it also contributes to the release of greenhouse gases (GHG) and rising concentrations of GHG in the atmosphere. A sustainable climate response strategy in the field of agriculture involves anticipating, planning and long-term thinking from farm level to transnational level. Prominent fields of activity are sustainable land and soil management, sustainable water management, managing manure and soil carbon as well as organic agriculture as an overall strategy. As agriculture is a highly subsidized economic sector, subvention policy can be used as a lever to guide the sector to sustainability and climate neutrality.
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Make the Alps energy self-sufficient! CIPRA-demands - Energy self-sufficient regions
by zopemaster published Sep 15, 2011 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM
Not having to depend on energy imports: this vision holds great fascination for many regions. Self-sufficiency is "in." There are already many very positive approaches and examples of attempts to go down this road. At the heart of all the concepts is the idea of meeting demand through regional renewable sources of energy, saving energy and using energy more efficiently. Anyone who systematically takes this approach in an attempt to create an energy self-sufficient region changes the face of their region and its structures - to the benefit of their own economy, society and the environment.
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Improvements in efficiency instead of damage to the environment! cc.alps: CIPRA's demands on the subject of water
by zopemaster published Dec 23, 2011 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under:
The rivers of the Alps provide 170 million people with water. Climate change will greatly reduce the availability of water in the Alps and beyond, with less rain, longer dry periods in summer and greatly reduced snowfalls in winter among the predicted consequences. The demands made of this natural resource will increase accordingly, as will competition between the various user groups. Today only about 10% of the rivers and streams of the Alps can be considered ecologically intact, i.e. they are neither polluted nor over-engineered nor compromised in terms of their flow regimes. The ecological quality of waterways and related habitats therefore calls for improvement, not further impairment. We cannot permit the last rivers to become engineered structures or depleted by the excessive abstraction of water.
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Healthy, natural forests: responding to climate change! cc.alps: CIPRA's demands for forest management
by zopemaster published Mar 20, 2012 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under: ,
As forestry measures have long-term effects, adaptation of the forests to new climate conditions is urgently needed - but it should be initiated with great caution. The carbon storage ability of forests has to be exploited. Wood should first be used as a raw and building material; only under certain circumstances it should be used for heating. Short regional exploitation cycles are to be created. Natural forests should be fostered as they are more resilient to climate change. Forest owners who in the interest of climate protection give up part of their earnings should be compensated. Finally targeted research into practical climate adaptation measures has to become an important long-term task.
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New solidarity between the Alps and surrounding areas. CIPRA position paper on a European Macro-Region Strategy for the Alps
by zopemaster published Oct 10, 2013 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under:
Various political actors in the Alpine space are pushing for a European strategy for a macro-region for the Alps (MRS Alps). The International Alpine Protection Commission CIPRA, with over one hundred member organisations, possesses a wide-ranging network in all Alpine countries that extends beyond the Alps and into the surrounding metropolitan areas. CIPRA is therefore actively joining the process for a Macro-Regional Strategy for the Alps, representing the interests of sustainable, eco-friendly Alpine policies. Strengthened co-operation in such a MRS Alps must take place with the Alpine regions and surrounding areas as equal partners without undermining the achievements of the Alpine Convention.
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Berchtesgaden Declaration on regional co-operation in mountain regions 2002
by zopemaster published Jun 29, 2002 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM
At the end of June 2002 a conference on international co-operation between the mountain regions of the world was held in Berchtesgaden. The participants at the conference presented ten fundamental principles for regional co-operation. The principles underscore the key responsibility of governments and the need for regional co-operation to ensure the sustainable and proper management of mountain regions. Equal rights, decentralisation and the involvement of resident populations are essential in achieving sustainable development. Measures aimed at establishing cross-border partnerships and networks for the exchange of experience and the dissemination of knowledge are of crucial importance in bringing regional co-operation to life. The Declaration is aimed at governments, the international community, the private sector and NGOs.
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Friends-of-Nature Wildhaus Declaration: tourism and sustainability in the 21st century
by zopemaster published Sep 13, 2002 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under:
Tourism needs an intact natural environment, a vibrant cultural life, and a fair partnership between visitors and visited. As an economic sector, tourism is directly dependent on sustainability. The Declaration calls upon the tourism industry, the tourism regions, governments and individual tourists to curb the consumption of natural resources and reduce the burden of traffic caused by tourism traffic. It also calls on tourism to contribute towards eliminating poverty and to implement a sustainable destination and transport policy for the environment.
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Declaration on protected areas in European mountain regions, Chambéry 2002
by zopemaster published Nov 15, 2002 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under:
The Declaration on Protected Areas in European Mountain Regions emphasises the significance of biological and geological resources and water reserves in mountain regions. It stresses the necessity of targeted development and conservation measures as well as regional co-operation. Protected areas can serve as an experimental field for the development of conservation measures. Concrete steps proposed for the period 2003-2005 include the creation, in each European massif, of a mountain co-operation committee with representatives of governmental and non-governmental organisations. One of the tasks of the committees is to help disseminate information about models and methods to implement nature conservation and to transfer knowledge from research to improve the management of protected areas and sustainable development. Other important factors include encouraging partnerships, networks and joint projects as well as developing strategies for the active participation of populations.
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Vienna Declaration by the Regional Conference on Transport and the Environment 1997
by zopemaster published Sep 27, 1997 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under: ,
The Declaration was adopted by the governments of the member states of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. The states pledge to take steps aimed at reducing the negative impact of transport and traffic on the environment and on health. Energy-efficient and ecological vehicles and fuels as well as efficient and sustainable transport systems are to be encouraged and sensitive regions protected. The UNECE members are also planning to encourage the safe transport of hazardous substances and adopt measures aimed at protecting water resources from pollution. Annexed to the Declaration is a programme with a description of potential measures and solutions in the area of transport and the environment.
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Resolution on the role of local government and administration in sustainable development
by zopemaster published Nov 18, 2005 last modified Jul 07, 2021 01:14 AM — filed under:
At a conference on the Role of Local Governments and Administrations in Sustainable Development held in 2005, representatives of the mountain regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Carpathians, the Alps, the Altai and Mongolia adopted a resolution with recommendations aimed at managers involved in the development of mountain areas. In it they called for an exchange of positive experience between different mountain regions, education in sustainable development as a condition for active participation, and also for research and the transfer of technology and methodology. The resolution also contains concrete recommendations on decentralisation and reliable dialogue structures as a basis for sustainable development, sustainable economic development, and the role of local governance in the management of natural resources. It also underscores the importance of information and the role of women in sustainable development. Finally it sets out conditions for the effectiveness of alliances and conventions.
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