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News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from Austria.

With its planned wind farm on the Brenner Pass, Italy is breaching the Alpine Convention, according to the Club Arc Alpin, which has petitioned the Alpine Convention's committee of inquiry. For the first time in the history of the convention, "complaint proceedings" have begun.


With its planned wind farm on the Brenner Pass, Italy is breaching the Alpine Convention, according to the Club Arc Alpin, which has petitioned the Alpine Convention's committee of inquiry. For the first time in the history of the convention, "complaint proceedings" have begun.

Work begins on Semmering Tunnel



The authorisation proceedings have yet to be concluded, but the excavators are already on the move for the building of the Semmering rail tunnel. Austrian politicians have given the project the green light, ignoring loud protests and empty state coffers.

Bruin is back!



The number of bears in the province of Trento has grown, while the damage they cause has fallen significantly, states the report on bears in the province. But not all is well for Bruin and friends.

Alps overrun by traffic



Never before have such large quantities of goods been transported through Switzerland as in 2011. The title of "Transit Route Number 1", however, goes to the Brenner Pass.

CIPRA's point of view: Water on!



Austria's checklist for the building of hydroelectric power plants is technically sound, offering transparency for building permits, but no protection for ecologically intact waters.

Media releases

Unabhängig von Energieimporten zu werden, das hat sich auch das Land Vorarlberg zum Ziel gesetzt. Im Rahmen des von der Österreichischen Raumordnungskonferenz (ÖROK) organisierten plus-Forums wurden heute in Bregenz mögliche Wege in eine neue Energiestrategie diskutiert. Die Internationale Alpenschutzkommission CIPRA forderte dabei eine nachhaltige Wachstumsstrategie für die Regionen.

The Alpine Region as a macro-region?



The EU already has a macro-region strategy for the Danube Region and the Baltic Sea. So why not also for the Alpine Region? At the beginning of July, the Arge Alp Working Group advocated a resolution calling for a "macro-region for the Alps".

First solar-powered bus now on the road



Since July Europe's first ever electric bus powered exclusively by solar energy has been operating in Perchtoldsdorf/A. The public transport bus seats up to 35 passengers.


After more than fifty years, the wild cat returned to Austrian forests. To contribute to protection and a better acceptance of this shy animal among people, the Platform on Wildcats was founded in 2009.