CIPRA representatives:

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  • Waale, Suonen, Wasserleiten

    Vital for the cultural landscape and biodiversity, and the epitome of community resource management: an application to UNESCO aims to turn traditional irrigation practices into an intangible cultural heritage asset.

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  • Alpine soils: allies in climate protection

    The soils of the Alps make a decisive contribution to climate protection. But intensive land use and rising temperatures are endangering them: not only are they losing their valuable function as carbon reservoirs, but they may even become a source of greenhouse gases themselves.

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  • IPCC report: climate crisis in the Alps

    According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the effects of the climate crisis are greater than we thought: glaciers are melting in the Alps and there are more rockfalls and droughts. What else awaits the Alps? And how can we deal with it?

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  • Ski resorts for sale

    Vail Resorts from the USA is taking over Andermatt-Sedrun in Switzerland, while a British company is buying Via Lattea in Italy. This is the role played by international investors in the ski circus of the Alps.

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  • The Alpine tourism of the future

    The results of CIPRA's Reset Alpine Tourism project show how the tourism industry can function in a more resilient and environmentally friendly way.

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  • #alpinechangemaker wanted

    Projects for a good life in the Alps: highly motivated people from the Alpine region can apply until 15 May with ideas for the “Alpine Changemaker Basecamp” (ACB). They can look forward to a transdisciplinary project week, exchanges with like-minded people and a one-year mentoring programme.

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  • Point of view: the excessive character of the Olympics

    High construction costs, unused sports facilities, environmentally damaging large-scale projects: loud criticism continues to surround the staging of the 2026 Winter Olympics in Milan and Cortina/I. We must ask whether such sporting events still have a place in the Alps, says Vanda Bonardo, President of CIPRA Italy.

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  • On the war in Ukraine

    A war has broken out in Europe that contradicts everything CIPRA stands for: Intensive cooperation across language barriers and cultural differences, cross-border cooperation and the search for development opportunities that strengthen people and nature.

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  • Truck promotion instead of ecology

    The European Parliament has shown no understanding. Even the last rescue attempts by three parliamentarians were shot down. The new toll regulation for road haulage on European motorways will lead to the one-sided promotion of hydrogen and electric engines. This will lead to a massive disadvantage for freight transport by rail and to even more trucks.

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  • Alpine-wide network for shepherds

    What are the possibilities and challenges for a cross-border organisation for shepherds in the Alps? CIPRA held an online conference on 27 January 2022 with representatives from agricultural colleges, national authorities, nature conservation groups and shepherds' organisations to find answers.

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