CIPRA representatives:

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  • Digital and creative: climate strike despite Corona


    Global #digitalstrike, climate strike in Switzerland, climate corona deal in Austria, mailbombing in Italy: how climate activists in Alpine countries deal with the initial restrictions and what they take away from the corona crisis.

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  • Strange but true…


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  • The landscape that moves CIPRA


    From a Slovenian mountain pass, via a dying glacier in Switzerland, to a French shepherd's path: in its Annual Report 2019 CIPRA International shows how landscapes and their stories move people.

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  • Point of view: A building plan for a resilient society


    The corona crisis has broken our lives into pieces: relationships, working models, leisure and consumerism are loose building blocks. It is still unclear how we will reassemble them. We now have the chance to draw up a new building plan that is fit for the future, says Barbara Wülser, Co-Executive Director of CIPRA International.

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  • Via Alpina: 20 years of long-distance hiking


    For 20 years, the cross-border long-distance hiking trail known as the “Via Alpina” has connected all eight Alpine countries from Trieste to Monaco. It connects people, living spaces and natural areas along five routes, not only physically but also symbolically.

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  • Tourism after the ski lift


    Milder and milder winters are forcing ski resorts to invest in expensive snowmaking and lift facilities – an arms race in which many are no longer able to compete. Some places in the Alps have already found alternatives to skiing.

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  • Point of view: Water needs no borders – do we?


    So far, sufficient water is available in the Alpine regions. If there is to be enough for everyone in the future, despite climate change, water must be treated as a common Alpine resource across national borders, says Marion Ebster, Project Manager at CIPRA International.

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  • Harmful transit traffic


    Priority for health and the environment along the Brenner axis: this is what CIPRA Italy and other environmental associations are demanding of the Italian Minister of Transport.

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  • Bees: small in size, big in effect


    Why we need honey, pollinators and biodiversity: This question is the subject of the themed issue of SzeneAlpen, to be published in March 2020.

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  • Fit for work


    Change to bus, train, bike or e-bike: pilot companies in the Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein region are testing healthy ways to work in the three-year Interreg project Amigo.

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