CIPRA representatives:

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  • Hut transport: mules as an alternative


    For centuries, mules and horses have transported goods in mountainous regions. What used to be the only means of transport has nowadays mostly been replaced by helicopter. A nature park in Piedmont, Italy, is now organising the delivery of goods to mountain huts by mule, while environmentally friendly alternatives to helicopters are also being tested elsewhere.

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  • Quality from the mountains


    Cheese, meat and honey – these and other products from the mountains must meet certain EU requirements to be allowed to bear the “mountain product” quality label, introduced by the EU in 2014. A recent study shows whether and how this term has become established.

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  • Living mountain forests


    Climate protector and habitat, recreational area and timber supplier: forests have many functions, both in the natural ecosystem and for humans. CIPRA Slovenia's “GozdNega / Forest Care” project aims to convince forest owners of the benefits of climate-friendly management.

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  • Climate change: Merano’s strategy for a better quality of life


    Trees instead of parking spaces and support for the population during hot spells – with a total of 19 measures like these, the city of Merano/I is countering the effects of climate change. Experts, interest groups and young people have worked together to develop the strategy.

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  • Nomination of 28 sustainable renovations and new buildings


    The jury of the "Constructive Alps" architecture competition will decide by autumn which projects are to be awarded prizes. And the public will also be able to judge the projects: for the first time, there will be an award for the public favourite.

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  • A Matter of the Head: Our Image of Climate Protection


    Climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency: how do we find the right words to talk about global warming? At the online conference of the Alpine Partnership for Local Climate Action on 30 June and 1 July 2020, the focus will be on communication about climate protection.

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  • One ticket, seven countries, 48 regions


    AlpTick, one ticket for all public transportation in the entire Alpine region – this is the vision of the CIPRA Youth Council (CYC). Young people are invited to take part in a survey on mobility in the Alps.

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  • More Alpine protection against transit traffic


    The transport ministries of the EU countries will negotiate more binding rules for transit traffic at the beginning of June 2020. CIPRA representatives from all the Alpine countries are calling for an improvement in the European infrastructure costs directive for truck transport.

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  • More sustainable living thanks to corona?


    Pop-up cycle paths in cities, an organic food boom – corona promotes the trend towards more sustainable lifestyles in the Alpine countries as well. A trend that may be here to stay.

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  • New faces at CIPRA


    Vanda Bonardo is the new President of CIPRA Italy, with changes too to the Executive Board. There has also been a change on the Executive Board of CIPRA Austria.

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