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The new CIPRA compacts Traffic and Spatial Planning are on-line

Mar 16, 2010 / alpMedia
The results of the climate protection measures taken in the areas of 'Traffic' and 'Spatial Planning' are now accessible on-line. At (de/en) both of the background reports - so-called 'CIPRA compacts' - 'Traffic and Climate Change' and 'Spatial Planning and Climate Change' can be downloaded.
Full speed ahead ad infinitum? Scientific prognoses assume that traffic emissions will burden our climate in the future even more than now - unless countermeasures are taken.
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Full speed ahead ad infinitum? Scientific prognoses assume that traffic emissions will burden our climate in the future even more than now - unless countermeasures are taken. © CIPRA International
In these publications CIPRA gives an overview of measures related to traffic and spatial planning that were taken in the Alps to reduce and adapt to climate change ; the publications also point out that climate protection objectives will never be attained without a different approach to mobility. On the one hand, private motorized transport must become more expensive ; on the other, the mobility package of the joint public transport operators must be improved significantly. The instruments of spatial planning can help to safeguard climate sinks such as bogs, forests and flood plains; it can also help to make areas available for the generation of renewable energy. However, it is essential that decisions on spatial and settlement structures are moved from the local to the regional level.